Embracing the Slopes: A Psychological Journey of Learning as an Adult

Skiing image - yellow jacket

You may remember over the past few years I have been dipping my toe or ski into snow skiing. It made me reflect on learning a new skill as an adult, which can be both exciting but daunting and even intimidating. There are a number of psychological factors that play a significant role in how […]

Embracing the Festive Season: A Psychologist’s Guide to Mental Well-being in December

December is a month filled with celebrations, gatherings, and reflection. While the festive season brings joy, it can also be emotionally challenging. As a psychologist, I want to share strategies for nurturing your mental well-being during this busy time, starting with managing expectations.   Managing Expectations During the Festive Season The holiday season often comes with […]

The Weather: Finding Mindfulness in the Everyday

As Brits, and perhaps as humans in general, we have a fascination with the weather. It’s the first thing we bring up in conversation, especially with someone we don’t know well. Whether it’s too hot, too cold, raining, or unexpectedly sunny, the weather becomes the perfect icebreaker. There’s something universal about this, weather is a […]