How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can transform your behaviours & life

In this episode, you will learn :– What Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is – How to understand the 5-element CBT model to become your own life-long therapist and coach – How the CBT model can be used to treat eating disorders and yo-yo dieting – The power of self-esteem, and why you need to develop self-esteem BEFORE achieving your goals – What your core beliefs are, where they were formed and how they shape you – A practical exercise to help you begin changing your own core beliefs
In today’s episode, we’re joined by Kelly Watkins, also known as kelly.the.cbt.psychologist on Instagram. Kelly is a qualified Behavioral Therapist and a Forensic Psychologist. Kelly is skilled in helping people retrain their negative thought patterns and behaviors through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). She is also passionate about normalising the conversation surrounding our mental health.Her aim is to equip individuals with a greater understanding of themselves and the necessary skills to overcome past difficulties and current challenges..